Greenpeace India

Contact Person: Greenpeace India
Address: 60, Wellington Street Richmond Town Bangalore 560025
Phone No.: +91 080-42821010/ 41154861
Mobile No.: +91

SKU: 080-42821010 Category: Tags: ,


Greenpeace India campaigns to protect the environment for clean air, sustainable agriculture, promote clean energy and to prevent the impacts of climate change.

Greenpeace India campaigns standing up for our communities, and we are holding governments and corporations accountable. Our Planet – a pale blue dot on the vast canvas of the universe, is fast approaching a point of no return. In the current world order, materialism supersedes human values, economy is more treasured than ecology and profits are prioritized over people. This ceaseless demand for more is pushing our soil, air, water, food, forests and climate closer to an inevitable collapse. Greenpeace India exists because of activists, supporters, donors and volunteers who believe in taking collective action for the environment. Our planet needs us more than ever – individuals, communities and groups who have the power to shift the paradigm. Greenpeace India does not accept donations from governments or corporations, and relies on the donations of close to 56,000 Indian citizens to fund our campaign work.




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