Gosadan Lehri Bareta
Contact Person: Animal Husbandry Department
Address: Gosadan Lehri Bareta 176210 Distt. Bilaspur Himachal Pradesh Deputy Director(AH/B)
Phone No.: +91 01978-222594
Mobile No.: +91
Jeevjantu Atyachar Nirodhak Society is Non Government Organization (NGO) involved in Social Welfare Activities. In the field of environmental protection and preservation; we are actively involved in prevention of cruelty against animals given to them either by man or by nature. Many eminent and renowned social workers and philanthropists are associated in this holy venture of preserving and caring of these helpless animals.
This profile page and vet directory is not registered for donations, advertisement, and promotion purpose. While all the information is deemed to be correct, we have not verified them and does not endorse the accuracy of the information published on this website. Readers are strongly advised to verify them on their own and use the information at their own risk. If you are a business owner want to remove or correction please email us on dogloverind@gmail.com . Our Goal is help to people to find help NGO, vet hospital and shop.