People For Animals – Sagar

Contact Person: Sanjay Gupta
Address: Sambhag Karyalaya, Shastri Ward, Devri Kalan, Dist. Sagar – 470226, M.P.
Phone No.: +91 07586–250272
Mobile No.: +91 9993965202, 9424404362

SKU: 9993965202 Category: Tags: ,


Fields of activity: Shelter, Awareness, Vegetarianism, Animal Rights, Protraction of wildlife. Biotechnology; Cats; Dogs; Environment; Farm Animals; Equines; Marine Animals; Primates; Animal Transport; Vegetarianism; Vegan; Wildlife; No-kill Shelter; Spay/Neuter Program; Foster Homes; Pet Adoption; Animal Control

Dinesh Chaurasia – Phone. 07586 – 250690, 9893753934
Satish Rajouria – Sachiv, Sanstha Advocate – Phone. 9424404362



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