Lifespan: 10 – 12 years
Temperament: Devoted, Friendly, Fearless, Cheerful, Energetic, Loyal, Playful, Confident, Intelligent, Bright, Brave, Calm
Colors: Brindle, White, Fawn
Weight: Female: 25–29 kg, Male: 27–32 kg
Height: Female: 53–60 cm, Male: 57–63 cm
Did you know: Boxer is the ninth-most popular dog breed by registrations (52,983) worldwide.

Nature and character
In the house and in the apartment of the German Boxer is a calm and balanced dog, whose pronounced play instinct but requires a sporty holder. This game drive the German boxer loses even in old age, making it an excellent companion for children. Otherwise, the German boxer is an undemanding dog, who can easily subordinate himself and learns quickly. The German boxer knows no falseness and never gets bissig or vicious without reason. As harmless as he is in the family, so suspiciously he can also confront strangers at the first contact.
The strong attachment to his owner and his family make the German Boxer a good, intrepid guard and guardian dog, who does not need to hide behind the best breeds of this group. Since he always remains well-considered and controlled with all his courage, one calls him also as a balanced guard dog, which almost never distracts from his task.
Activities with the German Boxer
The German boxer was mainly kept as a companion and working dog. Due to his calmness, he is increasingly taking the place as a companion dog within the family. Above all, his cheerful and friendly play in dealing with children is appreciated.
A German boxer is always cheerful and sociable, but can also be slightly exuberant. In order for the positive character traits to be fully effective, this exuberance should be dampened by a consistent education that actively challenges him and provides him with enough exercise.
Origin & History
The German boxer comes from the, now extinct, bull and Bitterbeißern from. The Brabanter Bullenbeißer is considered the direct ancestor of the German boxer. Bull bites were originally trained for bear and wild boar hunting, but later also guarded cattle herds. German breeders crossed the bull biter with the bulldog around 1850. A subsequent selection and the crossing of other bulldogs led to the new breed of German boxer. The predominantly positive characteristics owes this race to the 1869 founded boxer club. Its members always considered the evolution of the boxer in the breeding goal and agreed not only to breed performance and beauty.
Racial characteristics of German boxers
the German boxer in the group of companion, protection and working dogs, in the section Molossoids. An adult male weighs over 30 kg and reaches a withers height of 57-63 cm. A full-grown bitch reaches a weight in the range of r 26 kg at a height of 53-60 cm.
The breed standard allows for the breeding of the German Boxer the colors yellow or brindle. The yellow may range from light yellow to dunkelhirschrot. The standard defines the most beautiful colors as the reddish-yellow midtones. Brindle boxers show dark or black stripes that run in the direction of the ribs on the yellow ground coat. The stripes should stand out clearly from the basic color. White badges are allowed, but they can not make up more than a third of the base color.
A German Boxer is a medium-sized dog with a square body, which is supported by straight and stocky runs. The musculature of the boxer is vigorously developed and stands out clearly. A German boxer should not appear clumsy or clumsy and his movements must be lively and full of power.
The characteristic head must neither appear too light nor too heavy and must be in harmony with the physique. The catch should be as broad and powerful as possible. The forehead and bridge of the nose form a distinct heel, whereby the bridge of the nose must not be driven like a bulldog into the forehead. The ears are set high and had, according to the previous breed standard, be cropped. The cropping of the ears is prohibited in Germany today. The dark-rimmed eyes should convey energy and intelligence and must not be threatening or piercing.
The German boxer has a round, strong and muscular neck, which runs in an elegant curve from the neck to the withers. The square hull has a marked withers and the complete back should be short, wide and, for the German boxer, strongly muscled. The group presents itself slightly inclined and the pelvis is broad, especially in bitches. The tail has a rather high approach and may no longer be cropped, just like the ears. The runs should be straight and especially at the back of a strong musculature, which stands out plastically. The paws are small, round and closed.