Origin: Germany
Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris
Weight: Male: 23–32 kg, Female: 18–26 kg
Temperament: Alert, Reserved, Intelligent, Even Tempered, Watchful, Calm
Colors: Black, Wolf-Sable, Fawn, Black & Gold, Tan, Black & Silver
Height: Male: 52–60 cm, Female: 48–56 cm

Nature and character
The Eurasier is confident, calm, tolerable, adaptable, willing to learn and intelligent. Above all, the animals are very attached to their family members, which does not make them a one-man dog. Eurasians need constant and close contact with their people and are therefore completely unsuitable for kennel husbandry. In the shelter, the sensitive dogs would suffer greatly and eventually wither away. Since the Eurasier is so fixed on his family, you should not give it even on vacation in foreign hands. He wants to be there - always and everywhere.
The sensitive animals have a special sense for the mood and state of mind of their people and a pronounced social behavior towards conspecifics. In addition, Eurasians are elegant, confident and at the same time pleasantly obstinate. Charmingly, they trick their owners sometimes to enforce their will.
Activities with the Eurasier
Although the Eurasier has no pronounced hunting behavior, nevertheless - as with most dogs - a certain prey operation can be present. With loving consequence, understanding, patience and treat, however, the fluffy wool ball can be trained to be trouble-free and grateful companions who adapt to all situations. However, training with a foreigner is out of the question for a Eurasier. Those who demand absolute obedience from a dog should opt for another race.
Eurasians need about two hours of exercise each day. Your urge to move can be ideally taken into account with jogging, cycling or agility. Monotonous retrieving games like "picking up sticks" bore the intelligent animal fast.
Despite the dense undercoat, Eurasier's grooming is straightforward and limited to brushing once a week. Only during the change of coat should the middle-long awn hair be combed daily. The tongue of Eurasiers varies from pink to infinitely many piebald blue varieties to pure blue. The Chow-Chow heritage fascinates many passers-by and often leads to confusion with the Chinese race. A Eurasian is an incorruptible friend for life.
Origin & History
In the 1960s, Julius Wipfel bred in Wolfheim from Wolfsspitz bitches and Chow Chow males, first the Wolf-Chow. Finally, he paired this with Samoyed and received an original dog with a natural physique and balanced nature.
In 1973, the breed was recognized as the youngest German breed. The youngest, officially recognized breed from Germany owes its name to its European (Wolfsspitz = EUR) and Asian ancestral species (Chow-Chow and Samoyed = ASIER). The task of the robust companion and family dog with character consisted neither in hunting nor in guarding or guarding. The Eurasier was bred solely as a social partner for humans.