Facts Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris Origin: Germany Temperament: Docile, Good-natured, Spirited, Companionable, Adaptable, Trainable Weight: Male: 11–16 kg, Female: 9–14 kg Height: Male: 38–46 cm, Female: 38–46 cm Colors: White & Chocolate, White &...
Medium Dogs
Small Munsterlander Pointer: Dog Breed Information, Facts and Pictures
Facts Hypoallergenic: No Lifespan: 12 – 13 years Temperament: Strong Willed, Affectionate, Intelligent, Attentive, Happy, Trainable Weight: Male: 18–27 kg, Female: 18–27 kg Height: Male: 50–58 cm, Female: 48–56 cm Colors: White & Chocolate, Brown Roan...
Kerry Blue Terrier: Dog Breed Information, Facts and Pictures
Facts Hypoallergenic: Yes Lifespan: 13 – 15 years Temperament: Strong Willed, Affectionate, Spirited, Alert, Loyal, Gentle Weight: Female: 15–18 kg, Male: 15–18 kg Height: Female: 44–48 cm, Male: 46–51 cm Colors: Black, Blue, Silver, Blue & Black, Slate Blue...
Eurasians: Dog Breed Information, Facts and Pictures
Facts Origin: Germany Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris Weight: Male: 23–32 kg, Female: 18–26 kg Temperament: Alert, Reserved, Intelligent, Even Tempered, Watchful, Calm Colors: Black, Wolf-Sable, Fawn, Black & Gold, Tan, Black & Silver Height: Male:...
English Cocker Spaniel: Dog Breed Information, Facts and Pictures
Facts Hypoallergenic: No Lifespan: 12 – 15 years Colors: Black, Blue Roan, Black & Gold, Tri-color, Orange Roan. Temperament: Friendly, Affectionate, Playful, Quiet, Faithful, Trainable Weight: Female: 12–15 kg, Male: 13–16 kg Height: Female: 36–41 cm, Male: 38–43...
German Pinscher: Dog Breed Information, Facts and Pictures
Facts Hypoallergenic: No Lifespan: 12 – 14 years Mass: 14 – 20 kg Height: 43 – 51 cm Temperament: Spirited, Lively, Intelligent, Even Tempered, Loving, Familial Colors: Black, Fawn, Tan, Blue, Brown [siteorigin_widget...
German Hunting Terrier: Dog Breed Information, Facts and Pictures
Facts Origin: Germany Color: Black & Gold Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris Temperament: Strong Willed, Reliable, Sociable, Adaptable, Intelligent, Courageous Weight: Male: 9–10 kg, Female: 7.5–8.5 kg Height: Male: 33–40 cm, Female: 33–40 cm...
German hound: Dog Breed Information, Facts and Pictures
Facts Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris Origin: Germany Higher classification: Dog Rank: Breed Height: 40 to 53 cm Nature and character Although the Germans hound with their tireless...
Dalmatian: Dog Breed Information, Facts and Pictures
Facts Lifespan: 10 – 13 years Origin: Croatia Temperament: Outgoing, Friendly, Energetic, Playful, Sensitive, Intelligent, Active Height: Female: 56–58 cm, Male: 58–61 cm Weight: Female: 16–24 kg, Male: 15–32 kg Colors: Liver & White, Blue Belton...
Chow Chow: Dog Breed Information, Facts and Pictures
Facts Lifespan: 9 – 15 years Origin: China Temperament: Aloof, Loyal, Independent, Quiet Height: Male: 48–56 cm, Female: 46–51 cm Weight: Male: 25–32 kg, Female: 20–27 kg Colors: Black, Blue, Fawn, Cream, Tan [siteorigin_widget...