
Life span: 5 – 8 years
Origin: France
Temperament: Devoted, Loyal, Companionable, Even Tempered, Vigilant, Courageous
Height: Male: 60–67 cm, Female: 57–65 cm
Weight: Male: 54–65 kg, Female: 54–65 kg
Colors: Fawn, Mahogany, Tan

Nature and character

The character of the Bordeaux Great Dane is characterized by serenity and tranquility. Hustle is just as foreign as falsehood. However, the size of the Bordeaux Great Dane requires a good and consistent education. This is a good human-dog relationship crucial, but by coercion and unnecessary hardship can not lead this self-confident and smart dog. Especially the young dog does not know how to judge his strength properly and has to be guided in the right direction. However, if the Bordeaux Great Dane was well educated, she knows how to use her energy correctly and not over the top. The quiet nature of the Bordeaux Great Dane, however, can change abruptly if it senses danger to its owner or his home. She has a very fine sense and can very well distinguish between fun and serious.

Spout and freedom of movement are particularly important for a Bordeaux Great Dane, for the attitude in a rental apartment without a garden, this breed is less suitable. She loves to spend time in nature. 
For the necessary utilization of this dog breed long walks or short bike trips are perfect. With the necessary freedom of movement and education, Bordeaux Doggen are wonderful family dogs, who love to deal with people and are excellent with children.

Activities with the Bordeaux Great Dane

In the past, the Bordeaux Great Dane used to hunt bears and jaguars. But also for animal fights, in which she had to compete against wolves and bears, she was abused. Today it is preferred for its positive qualities as a guard and Schutzhund. With good upbringing, enough exercise and employment, this breed is very well suited as a family dog. Due to the high threshold and the balanced character no unpredictable emotional outbreaks are to be feared. Even as a companion of children, the Bordeaux Great Dane is very good. However, for large distances on the bike or as a persevering jogging companion, this giant is rather less suitable given its mass.

Origin & History

The Bordeaux Dogge, or Dogue de Bordeaux, goes back to the Alanerhunde and is one of the oldest dog breeds in France. In particular, the Saupacker is considered the direct ancestor of the Bordeaux Great Dane, of which Gaston Phébus, the Count of Foix, wrote in the 14th century that he captures his prey better than three greyhounds. These dogs were only called "Doggen" at the end of the 14th century. They were in the middle of the 19th century almost exclusively in the southern French Aquitaine spread. There they were used for big game hunting, in the arena or for war and to guard the house and cattle.

First records of the Bordeaux Dogge at dog shows can be found in Paris in 1863. After the Second World War almost extinct, the breed enjoyed after 1960 again increasing popularity. The breed gained additional recognition in 1989, when a Dogue de Bordeaux played a title role alongside Tom Hanks.

Racial features Bordeaux Great Dane

The size of a full-grown Bordeaux mastiff should be 60 to 68 cm for the male and 58 to 66 cm for the bitch. By default, a minimum weight of 50 kg is prescribed for male and 45 kg for female representatives of this breed. Because of this mass, the breed should inhabit a home without stairs, as it, like other giant breeds, tends to hip dysplasia.

The coat of the Bordeaux Great Dane is short, thin and should feel soft when touched. It is monochrome and may be formed in all gradations of Isabell over golden brown to mahogany. White patches are allowed as long as they are confined to a limited extent to the extremities and chest. In addition, the Bordeaux Great Dane can have a black mask (not extending over the skull region, often only slightly expanded), a brown mask (nose sponge and brown eyelids) or no mask (hair coat falbfarben, the skin pink). 

The Bordeaux Great Dane has a very strong physique with concave lines. She is athletic, at the same time burly and imposingly built. The length from the shoulder tip to the ischial tuber exceeds the height at the withers in the ratio 11:10.

Dogue de Bordeaux breed features

The minimum catch length corresponds to a quarter of the head length, the maximum catch length of a third, which also brings this breed the term brachycephalic (short-nosed) Molosser. The breed has a firm, broad and muscular back, with a well pronounced withers. The neck of the tail is very thick and the tip should ideally reach to the hock. It is worn low and should be designed neither as knot nor as articulated rod. In the movement, she is slightly raised, rolling over the back does not meet the standard of breed.

The head is edgy, rather short and powerful. Seen from above, it has a trapezoidal shape. The ears are relatively small and easily set up at the base. Typical for breed are loose lips and a symmetrical filling of the catch. Due to the strong wrinkling, this area is predisposed to skin fold inflammation and should be monitored regularly. The Frenchwoman has a pronounced stop, which has almost a 90 ° angle. The neck is muscular and carries a lot of loose skin. Its circumference roughly corresponds to that of the head. The limbs are heavily muscled and the paws built strong. The toes are close together with highly trained claws.

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