
Life span: 10 – 12 years
Origin: Alaska
Temperament: Friendly, Affectionate, Devoted, Loyal, Dignified, Playful
Weight: Female: 32–38 kg, Male: 36–43 kg
Height: Female: 56–61 cm, Male: 61–66 cm
Colors: White & Chocolate, Blue Belton, Gray & White, Sable & White, Red & White, Seal & White

Nature and character

The Alaskan Malamute has a high level of intelligence and a great willingness to work. These properties should be promoted accordingly so that the Malamute does not become a problem dog. However, his idiosyncrasy and independence often make upbringing a test of patience. He is aloof from strangers, yet he is unsuitable as a watchdog.

Since the Alaskan Malamute has a strong hunting instinct, he must be led on walks usually on a long leash. Nevertheless, he desperately needs plenty of space and space to be happy and busy. With well-socialized conspecifics, he usually has little difficulty, male representatives of the breed, however, show a pronounced dominance behavior. With children, the playful Malamute is usually very good.

Activities with the Alaskan Malamute

In his arctic homeland, the Alaskan Malamute used to be an indispensable helper: he hauled heavy sledges and, as a hunting dog, ensured the survival of his masters in the barren and icy landscapes. Even today, he is still often used as a sled dog, but mostly at sled dog races, where he can put his enormous strength and endurance to the test. In addition, he is often held in this country as a companion dog. It should be noted that he is only suitable for athletic owners who can meet his enormous urge to move. For example, riding a bicycle is a great way to keep the running Alaskan Malamute busy. As a watchdog he is rather unsuitable because of his friendly, open-minded nature.

Origin & History

In the northwestern part of the Arctic, Alaskan Malamute was the only breed of dog until the 19th century. He is thus one of the oldest Arctic breeds of dogs, which serves as a sled and hunting dogs for more than 2000 years the people of this region. 

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Alaskan Malamutes were preferred for sled dog races, with increasingly other breeds were crossed and the Alaskan Malamutes were almost lost as a separate breed. 

From 1926, the pure breeding of the breed was resumed with some still unmixed copies. The name Malamute derives from the Inuit tribe of the Malemute.

Racial traits Alaskan Malamute

The standard indicates a desired size for pulling loads, this is 63.5 cm for a male with a body weight of 38 kg. In contrast, a bitch should have a withers height of 58.5 cm and an ideal weight of 34 kg. However, the right proportions and type are more important than the weight.

The coat of an Alaskan Malamute is usually light gray to black, whereby all intermediate shades may occur. In the undercoat and the head drawing color combinations are allowed. The coat hairs are thick and rough, the undercoat is dense and woolly, their length varies from medium length on the body side to long neck, back and shoulders.

The overall appearance of the Alaskan Malamute impresses with a powerful building with a deep chest. The whole dog is well muscled and has a proud attitude. His body length, from the hip joint to the ischial tuberosity, is greater than the height at the withers, and the lowest point of the thorax lies just behind the forelegs. Otherwise, the body is compact, with a not too short loin. The upper line is straight and drops slightly to the hips. The loin is well muscled and goes over into a moderately high set tail. In rest, it is worn over the back and resembles a feather bush with its strong hair.

The four paws resemble snowshoes and have well-padded bales. They are tall and between the toes grow protective hair.

Alaskan Malamute Racial Features

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